Wednesday, 1 April 2009

cups and mugs

so i was inspired to do this post by a favorite blog of mine called, design is mine, and in this post she talked about cups and how she loves them, and it really got me thinking about my own mini cup addiction, and i thought it would be a funny and interestingly visual post for my little blog..all of these mean something to me in there own funny colourful little way and i use some more than others depending on my mood, the funny thing is that in my house I'm the only one that has hot drinks (my David does not do tea or coffee, i know, hes a freak) so they are all for me myself and i to enjoy, and i think its amusing that i have 19 to choose from, I'm sure houses with many people who all drink hot drinks don't have as of the cups above was my grandmothers and is very special to me, can you guess which one ?, and this collection is only likely to grow, be it ones from trashy tourist shops in las vegas, or ones from paper chase, i do know that i have made it a tradition that every Christmas my David buys me a Kath kidstone one, so watch this space. more cups are guaranteed.


Anonymous said...
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Claudia said...

love them!!!! So colorful!

Sarah said...

Your cups are great! I especially love the snowman face one and the alphabet one. Oh and the little monsters. Was your Gran's cup the green one with circles?

Diana Jiron Graff said...

i am getting such a kick out of this post, mugs are some of my favourite things, we go through them a lot though, with small children and cats that like to knock them off counters for the sake of watching them fall...
any hoo! these are absolutely great! what a treat, thanks for sharing